[HELP]My TONUP coins are sent to TONUP service PLEASE HELP!

[HELP]My TONUP coins are sent to TONUP service PLEASE HELP!

Hello support team

Luckly I succeed to participate the TONUP IDO.
But my TONUP coins are deposited to TONUP Service address(your address).

Could you please recover my TONUP coins to my wallet?

Tx hash : ec39d24523d4a4755601094741b1efa0ff274ddf2c34cdf375d9a6f9ea288051

TONUP Service address(Your address) : EQAgHs3ccbKTZUveg5Y38l6RHJ-WaRB8zNfrnEC3wTPchdRX

My TONKeeper Address : EQAnFABjP9UanF27QyS-05l6C0P7Zl454kyAIrwEcjAKqhug

I rellly love TONUP token. Please restore funds.

Unfortunately, the smart contract doesn’t have any admin setting, therefore no one can control the contract.