In order to enhance the transparency of our community, the TonUP team has decided to publicly disclose several commonly used addresses for easy tracking by community users.
- tonup.ton - UQBufPjo3fQHGBIVr8vnTkFbg7ksLtdFobc-RZJnaYPoZ85b
- tonup-ido.ton - UQB6T-bxXB_5bHww-wE7wsls38VH8Ni-2VAbWKqaKOClEfR9
- tonup-custody.ton - UQB89Gt-_kBbKpU45da9Ve8dFaan4Pn_v1Xi5Ykc1H2kwAvW
- tonup-buyback.ton - UQD1SMFVwyQUxNQcHztAHl22yx6NBirOl4wusNxxi5HHYl3w
tonup.ton is our primary address, tonup-ido.ton is used for setting up IDO contracts, ton up-custody.ton is utilized for fund custody, while tonup-buyback.ton serves the purpose of buyback and destruction of UP tokens.