All You Need To Know About TonTogether Mainnet Beta (LUP: 2024/3/20)


TonTogether is the first No-loss Prize Saving Protocol on TON Blockchain, revolutionizing the way of saving and winning. The unwavering commitment to financial sustainability opens doors to equal opportunities for all. With transparency at its core, TonTogether offers a seamless experience, enabling effortless fund deposits, thrilling prize-winning opportunities, and token profit accumulation.


$TOT is the native Token of TonTogether, the first non-loss lottery protocol in TON. The Tokenomics of $TOT is quite simple. With a limited initial supply of only 2%, $TOT offers exciting opportunities for earning. 1% of $TOT can be mined by staking $UP tokens, while an additional 1% has been allocated for liquidity.

Staking Income Distribution

TonTogether’s Staking Income Distribution model is characterized by transparency. 50% of the rewards generated from TonTogether’s Total Value Locked (TVL) are allocated to the lucky winner, while 30% is reserved for the treasury of $TOT. Additionally, 19% is directed towards the liquidity pool, facilitating buyback and enhancing liquidity, and 1% is allocated to the TonTogether team. This carefully designed distribution ensures a fair and sustainable ecosystem for all participants.


We’re thrilled to share TonTogether’s roadmap, outlining the exciting developments ahead:
Q1 2024 - TonTogether will launch its innovative Prize Saving Protocol on the TON
Q2 2024 - Deep collaboration with DeFi protocol of the TON ecosystem, offering more flexible pool categories
Q3 2024 - TonTogether will implement operation management through DAO Governance. empowering community members to actively participate in decision-making processes
Q4 2024 - Development of the Together Platform and provide an SDK for other TON ecosystem projects, enabling them to seamlessly integrate the Prize Saving functionality.

Start The No-loss Prize Saving Game

TonTogether is built exclusively on the TON Blockchain, providing an innovative No-loss Prize Saving Game experience. To begin your journey with TonTogether, follow these steps:

1. Connect Wallet
TonTogether is compatible with TON wallets such as Ton Wallet, Surf Wallet, or any other wallet that supports the TON Blockchain. Choose a wallet that suits your preferences and follow the setup instructions to create and secure your TON wallet.

2. Obtain $TON
In order to participate in TonTogether’s Prize Saving Game, you’ll need TON tokens. You can acquire TON tokens from reputable exchanges that support the TON Blockchain. Also make sure that you have enough $TON to pay the gas fee.

3. Start The Game
With your TON wallet funded and gas fees accounted for, you are ready to start saving and winning with TonTogether.
Simply click “Deposit to Win” to start the game!

Clicking “Deposit”

Input the $TON amount you want to deposit AND click “DEPOSIT”

Confirm the deposit in your connected wallet and go back to TonTogether

Check your deposits and tickets in the Account page. The tickets you own will change according to the total $TON deposited to the pool.

The tickets correspond to your prize. You can check the results of the ongoing and previous prize pool in the “Draws” page after the winners are drawn.


The Mainnet Beta will start from March 19th to April 16th.
Get ready for an incredible adventure with a whopping total of 10 Million** $TOT **in bonus rewards up for grabs! :moneybag:

:日期: Round 1 Deposit Window: March 19th, 11 AM UTC - March 26th, 11 AM UTC.
:礼花: Round 1 Draw: March 26th, 11 AM UTC

:日期: Round 2 Deposit Window: March 26th, 11 AM UTC - April 2nd, 11 AM UTC.
:礼花: Round 2 Draw: April 2nd, 11 AM UTC

:日期: Round 3 Deposit Window: April 2nd, 11 AM UTC - April 9th, 11 AM UTC.
:礼花: Round 3 Draw: April 9th, 11 AM UTC

:日期: Round 4 Deposit Window: April 9th, 11 AM UTC - April 16th, 11 AM UTC.
:礼花: Round 4 Draw: April 16th, 11 AM UTC

:钱袋子: Each round brings even more excitement!

We’re adding an impressive 1 Million $TOT to the Prize Pool every round, available for all participants! Don’t miss out on your chance to win big!

:运动奖牌: And that’s not all!

The Lucky Gold Medal Prize Winners will be rewarded with an exclusive bonus of 1 Million $TOT per round! :奖牌:


1. Which wallet should I connect to the site?
You can connect any of the wallets below to the site: Tonkeeper, MyTonWallet, Openmask, Tonhub, DeWallet, XTONWallet, TON Wallet and Telegram wallet.
Please make sure you deposit the $TON to TON Space Beta if you connected your Telegram wallet.
Click here to read more about Telegram wallet.

2. What is Time-Weighted Average Balance?
We adopt the Time-Weighted Average Balance to calculate how many tickets you’ll hold when you deposit. When depositing the same amount, the earlier you join, the more prize tickets you could earn. By leveraging the power of time, you increase your chances of winning enticing rewards. It’s a game-changer that adds an exciting dimension to your savings journey.


3. How to decide the winners?
There are 4096 tickets in total. The more tickets you hold, the more likely you’ll win. We hold draws with randomly generated winning numbers. Users submit their “picks” to claim prizes. The matching algorithm compares picks to determine the prize tier. Odds are calculated based on combinations.
Prize distribution is proportional to liquidity contributions. Payouts are calculated based on tiers and total prizes.

4. When can I withdraw my $TON?
There will be a specific withdrawal period. If you miss this withdrawal period, the $TON will be deposited to the next prize pool automatically, and cannot be withdrawn until the next withdrawal period.
Your deposited $TON can be directly used to participate in the next prize pool without any additional gas fees.

5. How much does the gas fee cost when I deposit?
It will cost you about 0.7 $TON as the gas fee when you deposit, which is not charged by TonTogether, but the TON smart contract storage fee. And the 0.7 $TON will not be completely consumed, the excess gas will be returned.

Storage Fee is the amount you pay for storing a smart contract in the blockchain. In fact, you pay for every second the smart contract is stored on the blockchain. For example, your TON Wallet is also a smart contract, and it pays a storage fee every time you receive or send a transaction.
Click here to read more about the TON smart contract storage fee.

Website Update

After the mainnet beta went live yesterday, some community members reported that they were unable to see the total rewards and TVL of the prize pool. In order to ensure the best user experience, we have made timely adjustments accordingly.
We truly appreciate every feedback from our users and every feedback matters for us.

1. Users can check the total value locked(TVL) of the ongoing prize pool in the home page.

2. Users can check the total prize of the ongoing prize pool.

Once we receive feedback from our users, we guarantee to make a quick response as we have a highly effective tech team!
By the way, to welcome more voices from our users, the Bug Bounty campaign will be revealed soon, stay tuned!

TOT Token: Trade | Jetton Address

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Hello, all,

I’ve been monitoring the project for four months.

No lively discussion in this dying project chat in telegram ) In april I did not find transactions on STONFI or Dedust
you need more topics and marketing

SCAM project without any AMO or other marketing type activity

The team does nothing and has not done much to attract an active audience ) by the way, they block and delete users who are asking them uncomfortable questions.