All you need to know about $TOT & TonTogether Launchpool (LUP: 2023/01/11)

TonTogether is the first No-loss Prize Saving Protocol on TON Blockchain, revolutionizing the way of saving and winning. The unwavering commitment to financial sustainability opens doors to equal opportunities for all. With transparency at its core, TonTogether offers a seamless experience, enabling effortless fund deposits, thrilling prize-winning opportunities, and token profit accumulation.

Just three months ago, we awarded TonTogether our first grants. Its unparalleled ability to engage users within the TON ecosystem captured our attention immediately. With its seamless integration with Telegram Mini App, we firmly believe TonTogether has what it takes to become a breakout success and capture the hearts of crypto enthusiasts worldwide.

In appreciation for the grants, the team offered us 1% of their total supply of $TOT tokens. However, after careful consideration and discussion, we made the decision to gift these tokens to our valued community, in line with our commitment to DAO development.

TonTogether is the first launchpool project on TonUP, and we’re thrilled to announce that all members of our community can participate in the $TOT launchpool using their $UP tokens. This is a truly Fair Launch, with no involvement from VCs, no pre-mining of tokens, and no reserved tokens for the team.

All you have to do is stake your $UP tokens, and you’ll start earning rewards immediately. Plus, you have the flexibility to unstake your tokens whenever you desire. We will be providing more details about how to participate in the launchpool soon, so stay tuned for further updates and instructions! :dizzy:


$TOT is the native Token of TonTogether, the first non-loss lottery protocol in TON. The Tokenomics of $TOT is quite simple. With a limited initial supply of only 2%, $TOT offers exciting opportunities for earning. 1% of $TOT can be mined by staking $UP tokens, while an additional 1% has been allocated for liquidity.

Staking Income Distribution

TonTogether’s Staking Income Distribution model is characterized by transparency. 50% of the rewards generated from TonTogether’s Total Value Locked (TVL) are allocated to the lucky winner, while 30% is reserved for the treasury of $TOT. Additionally, 19% is directed towards the liquidity pool, facilitating buyback and enhancing liquidity, and 1% is allocated to the TonTogether team. This carefully designed distribution ensures a fair and sustainable ecosystem for all participants.


We’re thrilled to share TonTogether’s roadmap, outlining the exciting developments ahead:

Q1 2024 - TonTogether will launch its innovative Prize Saving Protocol on the TON

Q2 2024 - Deep collaboration with DeFi protocol of the TON ecosystem, offering more flexible pool categories

Q3 2024 - TonTogether will implement operation management through DAO Governance. empowering community members to actively participate in decision-making processes

Q4 2024 - Development of the Together Platform and provide an SDK for other TON ecosystem projects, enabling them to seamlessly integrate the Prize Saving functionality.


Where UPnl tokens should be staked? Is there a min. allocation or some tiers?

It’s a launchpool model, you can stake $UP to mine $TOT and feel free to unstake at any time.

:tada: Are you ready to participate in our inaugural launchpool? :tada:

We have received 100 million $TOT tokens for the TonUP launchpool from the TonTogether team! Additionally, the $TOT launchpool page is now live!

Staking will be available soon, so keep a close watch on this channel for firsthand information!

:point_right: Visit the $TOT launchpool page now!

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What is a launchpool?

A launchpool represents a new approach to project launches. In the launchpool model, participants simply stake $UP tokens in the pool to share the tokens allocation. This creates a system that enables everyone to participate in the launchpool without encountering any barriers. It’s a fairer method of enhancing new projects.

Regarding the $TOT launchpool, here are notable aspects:

  • Solely stake $UP and have the ability to claim and unstake at any time
  • Public pools with no whitelists
  • Distribution of 100 million $TOT within 30 days

Further details and the start date will be announced shortly.

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The question is WEN :smiley:

We will give detail announcement in next week.

:rocket:The moment we’ve all been waiting for is finally here.
TonUP Launchpool’s first project, TonTogether $(TOT), has its staking schedule officially SET!

:alarm_clock:Mark your calendars:
Start Time: January 10th, 12:00 PM UTC
End Time: February 10th, 12:00 PM UTC

:gem:TonTogether is the first No-loss Lottery Protocol on TON, leveraging the ability of Telegram to onboard the next millions of users.

:gem:Initial $TOT supply: 2%, with 1% through $UP staking and 1% allocated for liquidity.

:gem: 50% of TonTogether TVL rewards go to the winner, 30% to the treasury, 19% to liquidity, and 1% to the team.

:moneybag:Prepare for an incredible staking window, unlock 100M $TOT with your $UP Token, and be part of the TON ecosystem’s future!

:point_right: Visit the $TOT launchpool page now!

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How to finish the TOS requirement?

It’s pretty simple and straightforward.

Step1: Jump in to TonUP website
Step2: Click “Connect wallet”
Step3: Click the red person icon next to your walllet address to complete TOS. Then you’re all set!

It need some TON to finish the verification, make sure you have at least 1 TON Coin in your wallet, please.

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How to join $TOT Launchpool?

:cowboy_hat_face:Check the step-by-step simple guide

1.Head to the Launchpool Page: TONUP

2.Complete the Terms of Service Requirement and Connect your Wallet

3. Check your Available $UP Token Balance.

4.Input the Amount of $UP Token you would like to stake.

5.Confirm the Transaction and wait for the status update


How to Buy Token & Transfer to a Non-Custodial Wallet?

Buying $TON / Buying $UP and transferring it to a non-custodial wallet can be done in several ways. Here’s a step-by-step guide for each method :arrow_down::

How to Buy Token and Transfer to a Non-Custodial Wallet?

:rocket: TonUP Launchpool is officially launched!

Come and stake your $UP to get $TOT! In order to ensure a fair participation in staking, we are currently in the pre-staking phase, and the formal staking calculation will start on the 12PM (UTC) 11th.

:warning: You can stake the $UP token from now and feel free to unstake at anytime you wish.

:link: Join TonUP Launchpool and earn $TOT now!


:one: Please use our platform to initiate the staking transaction. If you initiate the Jetton transfer directly from your wallet to the staking contract, your tokens might be lost.

:two: Please be aware of SCAM, the official Jetton wallet of $TOT is: EQAcjv-v76upZgRoRNUM6tCmd6d9Q09sWVTFqCdfLeuP4P3b

UP Token: / DeDust / Bitget

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:moneybag: $TOT trading is now live on

Although the launchpool will begin calculating rewards on January 11th at 12:00 UTC, the $TOT <> $UP trading pair has been established.
You can now trade the $TOT token on!

:point_right: Start staking now to secure your earnings right from the start!

:link: Trade $TOT

:warning: Important reminder:

:one: $TOT is the token of TonTogether, a launch pool project of TonUP. As the launch pool progresses, more $TOT tokens will be released to the market.

:two: Please be aware of SCAM, the official Jetton wallet of $TOT is: EQAcjv-v76upZgRoRNUM6tCmd6d9Q09sWVTFqCdfLeuP4P3b

Hello. When I try first time stake in lounchpad it appear:

I paste my friend adress and then appear transaction to aprove, next when i se it on tonviewer it says that is SCAM. Can you tell me what it is?

Hey, let me explain this to you.

Due to the fact that this contract is a verification contract without any actual business but with a significant amount of interaction, Tonviewer has labeled it as SCAM. We have already requested TON Foundation to remove this label.


:rocket: $TOT Reward Calculation in the TonUP Launchpool is LIVE!

Stake your $UP to earn $TOT!
Community members with $UP can actively participate in the TonUP launchpool, with real-time tracking of earnings. Claim your $TOT rewards anytime.

:point_right: Earn $TOT today in the TonUP Launchpool

:chart_with_upwards_trend: With an APY over 5500%, early staking means higher potential earnings! More than 500K $UP is already staked with us!

:snowflake: Tips: We’ve upgraded our TOS contract. Now, you can enter a referral’s TON wallet address during TOS transactions on our website. Curious about the benefits of referrals? Stay tuned – you’ll find out soon!

Don’t miss out on maximizing your returns and contributing to the TON ecosystem’s growth. Stake now for future gains!

UP Token : / DeDust / Bitget / Tonviewer / CoinGecko

Annoucement: @TonUP_io

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