TonUP set to launch on Bitget Launchpad! The more BGB you commit, the bigger your share!

:star_struck:TonUP (UP) is set to launch on Bitget Launchpad! Commit BGB to participate. :airplane:

Go to Bitget Launchpad

About the Bitget

Bitget was founded with a steadfast belief in being the last 10% who remain committed even in the face of adversity.

With a background in traditional finance, Bitget’s founding team discovered blockchain technology in 2015, but it was viewed as “tulip mania” by the industry back then. In 2018, we became intrigued by cryptocurrency after studying the Bitcoin whitepaper and Ethereum ecosystem. We believed that cryptocurrency would play an important role in the future and even benefit the unbanked groups. However, the market crash chased away most speculators and less than 10% of the people chose to stick to their convictions and rebuild. Bitget was then officially founded in the same year.

Born in a bear market, Bitget insists on putting users first, focusing on product innovation, and advocating long-term development with the spirit of earnestness. The company aims to inspire people to embrace crypto and improve the way they trade, one at a time.

TonUP (UP) Launchpad details

  • Coin name: UP
  • Total supply: 100,000,000 UP
  • Total Launchpad volume: 1,500,000 UP
  • Exchange rate: 1 UP = US$0.1 (BGB swap price will be announced after the holding calculation period ends)
  • Individual cap: 7500 UP

How to participate:

  1. Log in to your Bitget account.

  2. Hold BGB in your asset account so that your average BGB holding volume can be calculated based on the snapshots taken from December 17, 2:00 PM – December 20, 2:00 PM (UTC+8).

  3. Calculate your BGB commitment cap.

Your BGB commitment cap is based on your average BGB holdings during the calculation period. Your BGB holdings in all accounts (including your spot account, margin account, futures account, P2P account, and Earn account) are taken into consideration, including the amounts that are frozen or locked up.

  1. The BGB swap price will be announced when the commitment period starts, which will be the average BGB price during the calculation period (calculated every four hours).

  2. Commit BGB

Your BGB commitment cap is based on your average BGB holdings during the calculation period. You can choose to commit a smaller amount. The BGB that you commit will be locked up while awaiting allocation.

  1. Commitment calculation

After the commitment period ends, the system will calculate the amount of Launchpad tokens to be allocated to each user.

  1. Deduction of BGB

After the allocation to each user is determined, Bitget will deduct the BGB from your account accordingly. The Launchpad tokens and any remaining BGB will be automatically sent to your spot account.

  1. Notes:

(1) The snapshots of BGB holdings will be taken after the holding calculation period begins. Make sure to prepare your holdings as early as possible. Your average BGB holdings = sum of BGB holdings at each time of snapshot ÷ total number of snapshots. The total number of snapshots during the holding calculation period is fixed. If you have not prepared your BGB holdings before the start time of the holdings calculation period, you may miss out on some snapshots.

(2) Market maker and broker accounts are not eligible for the promotion.

(3) Only main accounts are eligible for the promotion. Any sub-accounts participating in this promotion will be disqualified and will not receive any rewards.

TonUP (UP) Launchpad schedule

Promotion phase Date
Holding calculation period December 17, 2:00 PM – December 20, 2:00 PM (UTC+8)
Commitment period December 20, 5:00 PM – December 22, 5:00 PM (UTC+8)
Results December 22, 5:00 PM – December 22, 6:00 PM (UTC+8)
UP distribution December 22, 6:00 PM – December 22, 7:00 PM (UTC+8)
UP/USDT spot trading launches December 22, 8:00 PM (UTC+8)


  • How does Bitget calculate average BGB holdings?
  • Bitget Launchpad BGB commitment calculation

How to deposit $UP to Bitget

  1. Log in to your Bitget account or Launch the Bitget App

  2. Tap the Deposit Button on Assets Tab

  3. Tap UP in Search Box

  4. Choose TON Network to receive your UP token address on Bitget

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UP looks promising as it tends to identify gems in the vast market of cryptos. I’m already preparing for the airdrop campaign.

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Together, Strong!

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I will be taking part in the launchpad event but would appreciate if the team could organize an AMA session either in the project telegram community or in Bitget telegram community cos I feel most of us willing to take part would want to learn more about the project.

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Just spotted TonUp on Bitget’s launchpad today and had to check it out. Pretty neat that it’s launching on the Ton Blockchain. Hope to see for more projects to come through TonUp platform! The UP token could become a real asset for the platform.


We are doing a lot of AMA, please check All you need to know about $UP IDO (LUP: 2023/12/16) for more info.

Whitelist closed already ? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Public means that I must hold up to 100 Ton in wallet and once window will activate i must join asap ?

How much I might get extra if I will stack $100 on bitget ?

Yes, sir~ whitelist was closed.

And yes again, first come first get.

The last one, I thought I’m not get it ,would you mind elaborate more?